Month: March 2019

Day six of antidepressants

This is an update from my last post about starting antidepressants. Today is day six of Lexapro 5mg. I should up my dose to 10mg on Thursday, but I am going to wait until Saturday in an effort to manage the side effects at home. It has been a weird roller coaster of feelings, folks.

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Guess I should try meds

Through my twenties I never understood depression or anxiety. I was that awful, “just think positive thoughts,” friend. I have since apologized to my friends that were struggling during that ignorant time of my life, and if you are reading this and I never reached out to you, this is my apology. I was a

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My boyfriend says

He leaves motivational notes for me almost every day. It started sometime last year when I was working somewhere that I hated and he would leave a post-it note in the car every morning. You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending. – C.S.

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